Learn to Propagate Boston Fern for Lush Foliage

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Unlock the secret to lush foliage in your home with the timeless charm of Boston ferns. As these houseplants surge in popularity, learning to propagate them is your gateway to abundant greenery. Along with propagation, growing ferns is key to enjoying these lush plants at home.


This guide focuses on Boston ferns and teaches you how to propagate ferns in general. In this guide, discover the art of Boston fern propagation, adding a touch of vibrancy to every corner of your space.

Learn to Propagate Ferns: Boston Fern Edition


Boston ferns continue to increase in popularity as house plants. And we understand why. They are easy to propagate, and they add a touch of greenery to any room. Is Your Boston fern growing too large? Or do you want to share your lovely ferns with friends? Then, learning how to propagate fern is the easiest way to go. In this blog post, you will learn to propagate Boston ferns using two different methods: division (Boston fern runners) and rooting stem cuttings.


Do you want to know how to propagate ferns? Learn to propagate Boston ferns with these simple instructions. Yes, It’s easy! You just need to know where to cut, when to cut, and what kind of cutting material to use.


While this article focuses on propagating ferns through division and cuttings, using fern spores is another effective method for many fern varieties. This article will answer learn to propagate Boston ferns


Let’s get started!

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Tools Needed 


To propagate your Boston ferns, you’ll need some tools. Having the right tools is essential to propagate ferns successfully.


A sharp knife or razor blade, sphagnum moss, a glass container with a plastic lid (such as Tupperware or Rubbermaid), and toothpicks. If the container is clear plastic, you may wish to keep it out of direct sunlight so that algae won’t grow. Along with a sharp knife and sphagnum moss, having a plastic bag can be useful for creating a humid environment during the rooting process.


Cutting Time


Knowing the right cutting time is crucial when you decide to propagate ferns. Propagation works best only twice a year. It is right after flowering and after the plant has received a good drenching from a rainstorm.

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Propagating Boston Ferns after Flowering


Choosing the right time is a crucial step in propagating ferns. If you want to learn to propagate your Boston ferns right after flowering, wait until the flowers have faded and begun wilting.


This will mark the beginning of dormancy for your plants. This method is one of the most effective ways to propagate ferns, especially Boston ferns.


Then, cut three to six 2-4 inch sections from each rhizome using a sharp knife or razor blade, ensuring each section has fern fronds with at least one terminal bud. Be sure that each section has one terminal bud on it.


Never concern yourself with wounding the parent plant — cutaway! Since there’s no new ferns growth starting up, you won’t hurt it any further by cutting it back to its roots. In fact, it will probably grow healthier with less foliage! It should be almost as moist as a freshly watered plant if you’ve been watering it regularly.


As you learn to propagate Boston ferns, cut sections after flowering, each with a terminal bud. Don’t worry about the parent plant; with proper care, it will thrive, giving rise to vibrant, lush foliage in your new Boston fern.


Remember, the techniques for propagating ferns after flowering are similar across different temperate species. While focusing on Boston ferns, it’s worth noting that similar post-flowering propagation techniques are applicable to a hay-scented fern.

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Propagating Boston Ferns After Rain or Watering


Moisture levels after rain are particularly conducive for propagating ferns, making it an ideal time to start the process. If you propagate your Boston ferns during their dormant period, wait until the plants have had a good drenching. This method is a great opportunity to propagate ferns, taking advantage of the natural moisture available.


Then, cut three to six 2-4 inch sections from each rhizome using a sharp knife or razor blade. Be sure that each section has one terminal bud on it. Again, don’t worry about wounding the parent plant — cutaway!


If you haven’t been watering your plants regularly, now is a perfect time! This timing is also ideal to propagate ferns of other varieties.


Did You Know? Rainwater Is the Best Choice for Plants!


Yes, collecting rainwater for your indoor plants offers benefits for them, too. Municipal water often contains fluoride and chlorine, neither providing healthy plants some water. Water from your well does contain some minerals, but often too many. We consider this to be “hard water”. You might filter most of that out, but avoid using water run through a softener. The salts that the softener adds create problems for your plants. We suggest using rainwater whenever possible.


When nurturing your new Boston fern, opt for rainwater—free from harsh chemicals and minerals—providing an optimal environment for your plant’s lush growth.


How to Grow and Propagate Ferns from Boston Fern Cutting


Avoid propagating ferns during the dormant period. Wait until your grown plant begins to grow once again. Not sure how to tell?


Look for the terminal buds to become green and plump. That’s the best time to begin propagating your new plants. This will help the new plant get established before the hot summer weather arrives.


When preparing your cutting, ensure that each section includes a few healthy fern fronds for optimal growth. When you’re ready to begin growing your Boston fern from cuttings, start by watering the cutting and the flowering plants thoroughly. Then, place it in a bright location but not in direct proper sunlight.


A south-facing window with good air circulation works well for this. Avoid exposing and placing flowering plants to drafts or cold spots — keep them warm!


Water flowering plants sparingly at first so that the soil doesn’t become soggy. Then, increase frequency as necessary.


Once the cutting is taken from the parent fern, place it in a suitable growing medium to start the propagation process. You may wish to propagate your new plants “in place” if you’re growing them in a container.


But transplanting is also an option. Increase pot size with fresh potting soil to give roots room to grow.

Should You Fertilize?


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As for fertilizing, Boston ferns and fern babies’ spores are not heavy feeders. Most can be grown without supplemental fertilizer. Simply water them with a weak fertilizer regularly during the growing season (spring through fall). During the winter dormant season, don’t fertilize at all.

If you do choose to use liquid or slow-release pellets or powder, pet stores sell special formulations made especially for ferns. Follow package directions carefully since overfertilization can damage fern foliage! A controlled-release pellet will slowly provide nutrients for several months.


Thinking Ahead…


But, if you wish to propagate more plants next year, increase the amount of fertilizer slightly between early spring and late summer. This will have a positive effect on growth. However, if you are planning on dividing your Boston ferns into smaller pieces, do so during dormancy. You will see new growth has begun in spring.


When growing indoors, remember that Boston fern likes bright light but not direct sunlight. A south-facing window with sheer curtains provides ideal conditions for successfully cultivated Boston ferns


Creating Potting Compost for Propagation Cuttings


The right potting compost is crucial for successfully propagating ferns, particularly for delicate varieties. Insert toothpicks into the bottom of your container so that they stand upright. These will raise the bottom of your container, cutting off the bottom.


Choose your soil potting mix. The ideal potting compost for successful Boston fern propagation should be slightly acidic (pH 5-6). It should have excellent drainage, so you can use either milled sphagnum moss or a peat moss/perlite mix.


Moisten your mixture to near-saturation. It shouldn’t drip when you squeeze it, but it should still feel moist underneath your fingers. This is especially important if you’ve used milled sphagnum moss. This is because dried sphagnum holds water in its cells for a long time before releasing them again. Mix thoroughly with a spoon or your hand until there are no dry patches.


When planting the cutting, arrange the fern fronds so they are evenly spaced and not overcrowded in the container. Once the cutting is planted, covering the container with a plastic bag can help maintain the necessary humidity levels for successful propagation.


Time to Plant the Cutting


Insert your cutting into the mixture. It should stand upright, with the leaf nodes buried in the soil. The top bud should stick out of the soil (the terminal bud). The toothpicks can serve as markers if you like. Poke them next to each section of the rhizome before burying it.


Note that Boston ferns are typically propagated “in place” rather than by dividing or separating their rhizomes. But don’t separate the pieces of rhizome with leaves attached. Instead, the sections of the entire plant, including some fern fronds and roots. If one piece grows well but another does not remember that you can always try again next year!


Learn to Propagate Boston Ferns, the Fluffy Truffle Ferns


For the soil potted plant mixture, use equal parts of milled sphagnum moss and peat moss. Moisten to saturation with distilled water only — rainwater is too high in minerals for this type of fern! Use a spoon or your hand to mix thoroughly until no dry patches remain.


Insert toothpicks into the bottom of your container so that they stand upright (this makes them easier to find!). These will raise the bottom layer of the potting mixture off the bottom of the container.


Moisten your planting mixture again lightly. Then, insert whole rhizome sections (with at least one leaf node attached) vertically into it. You can always mark each section with a toothpick if you like, poking it next to the rhizome.


While focusing on Boston ferns, similar propagation methods can be applied to other varieties like Japanese-painted ferns, known for their unique coloration. Learn to propagate Boston ferns and explore techniques applicable to propagating ferns of various types, including the unique Fluffy Truffle fern.v


Proper Depth


For each section of the rhizome, plant it deep enough so that at least half of its leaves are beneath the soil’s surface. The more leaf nodes you have on your new plants, the better your chances for successful growth! You can always divide them up later if one does exceptionally well.


Place your container in a shaded outdoor location with indirect sunlight during daytime hours only. Too much sun will cause leaves to brown and wither or turn yellow. Or, grow your fern indoors in bright light near a sunny window. Avoid direct sun exposure (a south-facing window works best). Remember, though, Boston ferns do not tolerate hot conditions well!


Learn How to Propagate Boston Fern in Water


First, choose a glass container with at least 4-5 liters or 1 gallon of water. You’ll need enough room to hold the roots of the fern. One option might be an old fishbowl!


Second, prepare your “water” solution by adding 20 drops of all-purpose liquid fertilizer to 1 liter or a quart of distilled water. You can also use rainwater instead of distilled if this is available to you. Some people also recommend using slightly acidic tap water (pH 5-6).


Just as these conditions are ideal for propagating Boston ferns, they are also conducive for propagating other species like the interrupted fern.


Use Non-Chlorine Water or Allow the Chlorine to Dissipate


Fill your container with this mixture and allow it to sit overnight so that any chlorine will dissipate. If you do not have access to rainwater or water, you can leave your tap water sitting out overnight to evaporate the chlorine.


Third, place your fern into the water so it is completely submerged, except for its leaves and stem. This keeps algae from growing on the leaves. Do not worry about your fern having roots yet. Many types of Boston ferns will root themselves without attachment to anything! If one section of rhizome grows exceptionally well, another does not simply leave that section in the soil mix. Remember that you may divide them later if desired.


The propagation process is complete when you notice that roots are beginning to grow at the base of each leaf node. These tiny white “hairs” called adventitious roots are a good sign that your fern is doing well! If your fern does not start to put out roots within approximately 2 months, it might get too much or too little light.


Boston Fern Care Outdoors


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Outdoor care for Boston ferns, similar to many other fern species, involves specific considerations for location and climate. If you choose to grow your plant outdoors in temperate climates, keep it protected from strong wind or drafts. You can do so by covering it with burlap or other cloth material.


Be sure to remove this during warmer weather. In addition to propagation techniques, the nuances of growing boston ferns indoors are vital for their health and aesthetic appeal.



How to Grow Boston Ferns Outdoors in the Garden


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Growing ferns outdoors requires special consideration for location and soil quality. Here’s how to do it with Boston ferns. First, choose a site outdoors that gets at least 6 hours of direct gentle morning sun each day (south-facing is best).


Most Boston ferns prefer moderate temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees F. You can grow them outdoors in climates that are warmer.


But ensure to keep them shaded from the hot afternoon sun if you do. It’s very important that you plant it in an area where it stays protected from strong winds all year round.


Second, prepare your garden soil by adding organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure to the top 6 inches of soil. Dig it in with a pitchfork or shovel to mix it well into the existing soil.


Third, dig an 18-inch wide hole for each fern that you wish to grow in your garden. This is if you’re growing them together in one hole. Remove any grass or weeds along with the bottom 2/3rds of the hole. Make sure that the surrounding soil is moist before continuing.


Fourth, place your Boston fern bulbs in their holes and position them at least 1 foot away from other plants. This is to avoid fern’s root competition to others. Ensure it is deep enough so that you bury half of their leaf height.


After planting, it’s important to provide consistent watering and protection to young ferns to ensure their healthy growth in the garden. Learning how to grow Boston ferns outdoors can be valuable for those looking to propagate ferns in garden settings.


Don’t Forget to Refill


Finally, backfill the hole with soil. Also, add a 2-inch layer of mulch such as pine needles or dried leaves thickly around the base of the plant. This is very important for weed control. The best way to avoid weeding in Boston ferns is by keeping their roots covered and shaded from direct sun! 


Keep them well-watered and fertilized throughout the growing season (spring through fall). However, you should reduce water during cold weather to light frost protection only. This will prevent leaf browning.


If you live in an area that receives moderate rainfall, you’ll probably only need to water them once per week. Do so more frequently during dry spells with 1 tablespoon of all-purpose houseplant fertilizer mixed into 1 gallon of water.


 In climates that receive less rainfall, you may have to water them 2-3 times per week with the same amount of mixture as above each time. Remember not to overwater your ferns and always allow their soil mix to dry out a bit before rewatering!


Boston Fern Care Indoors


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Understanding indoor care is crucial for those who wish to successfully propagate ferns, especially in varied home environments.


Many Boston ferns can be successfully propagated from a single leaf rather than from the rhizome itself. When trying this way to propagate your plant, choose leaves that are plump and healthy-looking with plenty of veins showing. 


Avoid those with large holes or tears. To prevent rotting, place them in a glass bowl or jar filled with fresh rainwater overnight before planting. If they do not sink the next day, your leaf is too old to use.

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Advanced Tips and Troubleshooting: Elevate Your Boston Fern Propagation Skills


  • Optimal Watering: As your propagated Boston ferns mature, adjust the watering frequency. Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Use the “finger test” to gauge moisture levels.


  • Fertilization Strategies: Gradually transition to a balanced, diluted fertilizer during the growing season. Monitor the plant’s response, ensuring lush foliage without over-fertilizing.


  • Pest Vigilance: Watch for common pests like spider mites and scale insects. Regularly inspect the undersides of leaves and treat them promptly to safeguard your flourishing ferns.


  • Adapting Light Conditions: Boston ferns thrive in bright, indirect light. Experiment with positioning to find the sweet spot, avoiding direct sunlight that may scorch their delicate foliage.


  • Community Insights: Join the thriving plant community on our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter) to share experiences, seek advice, and stay updated on the latest tips for mastering the art of learning to propagate Boston ferns.


  • Understanding the difference between fertile and infertile fronds can greatly enhance your fern propagation skills.


  • For successful fern propagation from spores, ensure that the spores mature fully before collecting them.


These tips help with Boston ferns and are useful if you’re looking to propagate ferns of different types. Remember, your journey to becoming a Boston fern propagation expert is an evolving process. Continuously learn, adapt, and celebrate your lush foliage success!


For those interested in a more advanced propagation technique, understanding how to collect and grow fern spores can be an exciting challenge.


Video Credits: @kazhojt8479

Cultivate Everlasting Beauty: A Lush Finale


Mastering the art of propagating Boston Ferns not only provides a rewarding and enjoyable horticultural experience but also opens a gateway to fostering lush foliage and vibrant greenery. As we delve into the intricacies of nurturing these elegant ferns from spores or dividing mature plants, we embark on a journey that transcends mere gardening – it becomes a lesson in patience, resilience, and the delicate dance of coexistence with nature.


By learning the techniques of propagation, we gain a deeper understanding of the unique needs of Boston Ferns, honing our skills as caretakers of these exquisite botanical companions. The process itself mirrors the cycle of growth and renewal in the natural world, teaching us valuable lessons about nurturing life and fostering sustainability.


As our propagated Boston Ferns flourish and evolve, they become living testaments to our dedication and commitment to the well-being of our green companions. The lush foliage that ensues is not merely a visual delight but a testament to the harmony we have achieved with these delicate ferns. This newfound knowledge empowers us to create thriving microcosms of nature within our living spaces, contributing to the enrichment of our surroundings and fostering a deeper connection to the plant kingdom.


In essence, the journey of learning to propagate Boston Ferns extends far beyond the realm of gardening; it is a holistic experience that enriches our lives and homes with the beauty of nature. As we witness the flourishing results of our efforts, we are reminded that the simple act of propagation holds the potential to cultivate not only lush foliage but also a profound sense of fulfillment and connection to the natural world.


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Frequently Asked Questions


Can You Grow a Boston Fern From Cuttings? Can You Propagate a Fern From a Leaf Cutting?


Yes! As we discussed above, propagating Boston Ferns from cuttings is quite easy.

How Do You Divide a Boston Fern?


When repotting, divide the root ball into quarters. Report each of the quarters into separate pots.

How to Propagate Ferns in Water?


To propagate ferns in water, take a healthy frond and cut it near the base. Remove the bottom leaves and place the stem in a container filled with water. Change the water frequently and keep the container in a warm and humid place, away from direct sunlight. Once fern roots have formed, transplant the fern to a pot with potting soil.


How to Grow Ferns from Cuttings?


Growing ferns from cuttings, it is essential to take a healthy frond and cut it near the base. Remove the bottom leaves and dip the cut end in the rooting hormone powder. Plant the cutting in a container with well-draining potting soil, and keep it moist and in a warm, humid place with indirect light. Transplant the fern to a larger pot once it has established roots and new growth.

How Do I Make My Boston Fern Bushier?


Pruning a Boston Fern creates healthier growth. Pruning also makes a Boston Fern grow bushier and healthy.

How Do You Rejuvenate a Boston Fern?


Clean out all dead leaves and look for baby ferns, called offsets, before pruning. These offsets can be planted in a separate pot. Then cut any drooping fronds back to about 2 inches in length using sharp pruning shears. This should give your Boston Fern new growth and brilliance.

Why Is My Fern so Leggy?


The most common cause of leggy ferns is a lack of sufficient light. Follow the instructions above for how to rejuvenate a Boston Fern. Then, move the plant to a place with better lighting. Alternatively, set a grow lamp near the plant.

What Causes the Boston Fern Leaves to Turn Brown?


Browning leaves in a Boston Fern plant may be caused by poor or soggy soil, lack of water or humidity, too much light, excess salt, or some type of injury. Sometimes, the injury is from a plant-loving cat! Follow the instructions for rejuvenating a Boston Fern we provided. Also, the fern plant responds well to pruning and a better location.

Should I Mist a Boston Fern?


Boston Fern plants flourish in a cool location with high humidity and indirect light. Misting them once or twice a week helps increase the humidity. Alternatively, consider using a humidity tray.


What Are Fern Climbing Ferns?


Climbing ferns, such as the Lygodium species, are characterized by their ability to climb and attach themselves to vertical surfaces using adventitious roots. They are well-known for their unique growth habit, making them suitable for growing on trees, rocks, and other support structures in their natural environment.


How to Propagate Ferns?


To propagate ferns, you can divide mature plants, separating the rootball into smaller sections with healthy green fronds. Another method is by spores, where you collect spores from the undersides of mature fronds and sow them on a suitable growing medium to encourage new fern growth.



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