My Plant Journey, a slow start

Grandma’s windowsill showcased her African Violets throughout the long New York upstate winters
No one ever accused me of having a green thumb. In fact, the ongoing joke was that I could kill a plastic plant. In college, I studied animal science. Plants were not my thing.
But in reality, plants have always intrigued me. My grandmother enjoyed vegetables and flowers in her summer garden. But her home hosted many varieties of greenery throughout the year. She held her African Violets in her highest regard. My mother could grow any type of fruit, vegetable, and yes, flowers. With generations of farmers behind me, why could I not keep a simple plant alive for even a few weeks?
My epiphany:
Learning to grow and enjoy plants is a skill
Like some of my favorite plants, I found I am just a late bloomer. My “aha” moment came when our family moved to a larger farm and begin growing produce. Yes, the hopeless plant killer would grow food. We chose a hydroponic model and set to work. Amazingly, my plants grew. Actually, they more than just lived, they flourished. With the correct mix of techniques and products, I became known as a produce farmer. I even grew edible flowers such as marigold and nasturtium. And they grew beautifully!
In fact, anyone can learn to grow and care for houseplants of all types. Some are easier to keep than others, to be sure. But the end result, the joy of living greenery in your home, warrants the attempt.
A cautious venture toward houseplants
Memories of Mom’s roses and Grandma’s African Violets called to me. Could I actually try real houseplants? Our home would benefit from a bit of greenery added to the country feel. And studies show the health benefits of indoor plants.
I believed it was worth the attempt. With a love of healthy, flavorful cooking, I decided to begin with a few herbs. If the project failed, I could always eat the evidence.
Enjoy healthy plant-based foods? Check out:
To my surprise, and no doubt my family’s shock, too, the container-grown herbs on our patio grew as well as those in our farm field. My confidence increased and my journey into other houseplants began!
Let’s share our love of houseplants!
As my love of gardening, both indoor and out, has encouraged me to learn and continue to learn new plant skills. I hope you find information both useful and inspirational, whether you are a new plant enthusiast or have years of experience.