Growing Indoor Herb Garden Techniques

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Guide To Growing Indoor Herb Garden

Sometimes, the best option is to try using growing indoor herb garden methods at home. It’s perfect for folks who don’t want to get their hands dirty outdoors or want to mix fresh herbs into their meals. Also, this is a great choice for individuals who don’t have the space for a spacious garden. Still, it helps in having a garden that is cheap and affordable too. People all over the world enjoy growing indoor plants with a few supplies. So, if you want to, you could do the same and have your greenery inside. As long as you can provide suitable conditions for them to grow, you can be successful.
Wherever you are, as long as you’re willing to adapt, you can be one of the successful indoor herb garden planters. In this post, we’ll teach you how to begin and what herbs to try based on your area. Also included are tips on how to develop a gorgeous and sustainable garden at home. Ready to get it? Let’s do it!

Choose Growing Indoor Herb Garden Plants

It’s awesome to have indoor herb garden pots and systems with floating plants. Having them around allows gardeners to establish a garden with thriving herbage indoors. Take note that not all plants can manage to stay inside a house. Plus they permit harvesting with convenience. Their availability makes it possible to add flavor to or alter the taste of dishes and beverages. So, for aesthetics and practical uses, several herbs could be useful to have indoors.
Below are a few examples of plants indoor herb garden planters choose to grow. Check them to see what suits your needs and preferences.


This is a herb that grows well inside and outside when exposed to ideal conditions. With its shiny and ovoid leaves that deliver peppery and minty tastes, it’s great to take care of. Not only does it look good but it also supplies toppings for various dishes. This explains why people who cook soup and pizza a lot have them in indoor herb garden pots. Plus, they help with stomach upset and appetite issues. Hence, it can be a choice plant for a Click and Grow herb garden setup.
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With its quick crop time of about 28 days, it’s popular among those who use a hydroponics system for growing. After planting, it germinates after a week. Harvesting becomes possible around 3 to 4 weeks from that time too. Thus it comes as no surprise why growing herbs in Aerogarden setup.


It kind of looks like parsley but it isn’t. Preferring moist soil and adequate sun, this herb is easy to grow. In about 3 to 4 weeks, you can already harvest it. Its delicate and shaped, green leaves have a soapy scent and come with citrusy flavors. Yet it’s what many Mexicans and Indians use for their dishes. Some of the dishes that have the leaves are guacamole, salsa, tacos, and enchiladas. Many even use this herb to address or prevent diabetes and skin diseases. So it’s clear why folks include it when growing indoor herb garden plants.
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Germinating after 7 to 10 days of planting, it does well in a hydroponics environment. Hence, for growing herbs in Aerogarden, this plant is appropriate. Even if it requires hours of full sunlight and drained soil, it responds well to artificial light too. It may even be ideal for this herb to stay inside since it may wither and die with too much sun exposure. In that way, it’s a plant that can make food taste well and serve as a practical companion to have around.


This plant is very receptive to growing indoor herb garden methods. Even if it requires pruning from time to time, it needs so little care. Aside from that, with it around, you can have a steady supply of seasoning inside. It may be slow to germinate since it takes about a little less than a month for it to grow. Yet gardeners can try to plant cuttings to have plenty of it. It’s drought-resistant, only needing water once every one to two weeks. They usually manage without fertilizer but grow well when supplied with enough nutrients. For their food, they can do photosynthesis with artificial sunlight. But putting them near windows for direct sunlight for hours may be more ideal. So they too are great plants indoor herb garden planters will enjoy.
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When in a hydroponics setup, it needs little fertilization requirements. Plus, people often take care of them due to their medicinal value. To be specific, folks proved that they can fight bacterial and fungal infections. Hence, naturalists plant them inside to have herbs to treat mouth and throat soreness. Because of how it is, folks may include it as part of their Click and Grow herb garden. Still, in nutrition, it provides vitamin C for better immunity. Thus it’s quite appealing for an herb to have indoors.

Growing Indoor Herb Garden Considerations

Novice, intermediate and expert gardeners use strategies to succeed in growing herb batches. Hence, it’s not enough to get the first plants that you see or some random indoor herb garden pots. It matters to be selective with these things. After all, be smart because your decisions will affect your house and gardening. Indoor herb garden planters usually think about home design and herb sustainability first. So, before growing herbs in Aerogarden Elite or doing something else, try to think about a few things first.
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Lighting Conditions

Does your house have areas where light can reach plants? Unless you’d go for something like a Click and Grow herb garden, you need adequate lighting. Herbs flourish with enough natural or even artificial light since they use it for food. They need it for photosynthesis, after all. So it’s important to have open spaces or at least spots where windows give access to sunlight outside. If not, at least there should be light sources to deliver hues to feed indoor vegetation.
Usually, plants need to be where there’s natural light for about 6 to 8 hours daily. But, if this isn’t possible, artificial light sources will do. Some indoor herb garden planters use CFL bulbs while others go for LED products. It’s only that sunlight gives much more colors compared to it. Whether you’re going for the hydroponics or aeroponics approach, there must be light. Besides, it makes herbs taste better since it makes plants grow finer leaves. Take note that superior vegetative growth results in healthier parts. So you can expect to have preferable branches, stems, roots, and foliage for herbs with the right light.


Hotness and coldness are important for indoor herb garden pots with growing plants. It’s not enough to place your vegetation near windows or where it can get some light and air. After all, herbs need to be comfortable too. That is to say, they must stay within certain temperatures to thrive. Usually, plants grow well when it’s warm since the cold slows their enzyme activity. Because of this, it would be wise to have a heat source. One of the common growing indoor herb garden techniques involves using heaters inside. Some light sources may even deliver the right warmth too. This is why Click and Grow herb garden sets come with LED lights too. So it’s best to make sure that you have an area where you can get and maintain warmth for optimal plant development.
Usually, herbs thrive in cozy environments with 60 to 75 Fahrenheit in the daytime. The sun provides a bit of heat during the day so having windows inside is great. At night, they do well in 55 to 60 Fahrenheit. To prevent heat from escaping, insulating windows during the winter months helps. Even when growing herbs in Aerogarden, still think about temperature too. After all, it’s important for herbs not to get too hot or cold. Intense heat gets vegetation stressed and makes our herbage wilt. Plants also droop when they stay in surroundings where it’s very cold or freezing.

Watering and Fertilization

Water and fertilizer are important when it comes to growing herbs. This is why growing indoor herb garden methods involve using them right. In some systems where there’s soil involvement, gardeners establish manual or automated watering. Some sellers even sell soil products with fertilizers already. This applies to capillary precision irrigation (CPI). This is what a Click and Grow herb garden setup uses. With hydroponics technology, there’s often the manual addition of liquid fertilizer. But, with it, at least there’s no soil used. This is why growing herbs in Aerogarden makes use of a base for storing water. Hence, there are unique ways to water herbs and fertilize soil or roots for plants inside.
When using indoor herb garden pots, the traditional approach applies. Watering usually happens when the top soil starts to become dry. But this is while considering the current humidity conditions inside. After all, overwatering can make a plant drown. Different kinds of fertilizers are available for indoor herbage. It’s because they can’t get enough nutrients like plants outside can from soil and rain. Slow-release fertilizers are applicable since they prevent over-fertilization. But, at the end of the day, it’s best to research the plant food needs of herbs. In doing so, you would know what works best for specific plants.

Indoor Herb Garden Pots

Some systems come with containers while others keep plants suspended. Those with soil hold herbs in place while keeping their roots in control. This applies to the traditional way of growing plants indoors and also the setup that uses CPI. It’s why the Click and Grow herb garden has cups with wicks at the bottom. Usually, herbs held by containers have drainage holes. This is to address the issue of plants finding standing water unbearable. Together with the pots are saucers to catch the drained water. Such can keep the roots from reaching the surface below where the plants stand. Still, the pot depth matters since there must be enough room for the roots to grow too. Hence, unlike when growing herbs in Aerogarden, containers must have certain features.
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There’s also the matter of home design. That is to say, pots come in various styles, colors, shapes, and sizes. So, when buying them, it would be great to consider getting those that complement the spaces of your house. As part of growing indoor herb garden techniques, see containers with plants first. Before buying them, do this to avoid getting replacements. Several indoor garden systems are great with their designs that conceal the pots. You can get these compact models if you wish to have a garden indoors that saves a lot of space.

Learn About Growing Indoor Herb Garden Methods

To have plants indoors, folks think about a few things first. In a nutshell, they search for the available space for herbs to be in. Aside from that, ideas about what vegetation to have also come to mind. After that, people look for indoor herb garden pots to use. Other containers let inside herbs float too. Take note that some homeowners can choose to go for the usual way to plant herbs or go for something else. There are hydroponics and CPI that folks try for their setups. It’s because of their space-saving and practical nature. Because of the many options available when growing herbs indoors, it makes sense why a lot of people do it.

Thinking of Growing and Indoor Herb Garden?

Growing indoor herb garden plants are worth the effort. That is considering their attractiveness and the flavors they provide. Plus, more often than not, the variety of inside herb species can thrive well. They have their sunlight, temperature, watering, and fertilizer needs but they aren’t demanding. Herbs like basil, cilantro, and thyme also do well with traditional planting. They can even live and flourish with hydroponics and CPI. So there’s no mystery why gardeners own indoor herb garden pots and other containers.
We hope you learn a lot from this post about indoor herbs. We may not have covered everything but were at least able to provide plenty of information on the matter. If you have experience with these plants, please share your ideas with us. Thank you for reading and we look forward to seeing you once more in the next post.

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