Moringa Tree as a Houseplant: Grow Moringa Indoors

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Taking care of a Moringa tree as a houseplant is possible and a good idea. It is an attractive ornamental plant with nutritious and medicinal attributes.


Caring For Moringa Tree As A Houseplant

 Many consider it a part of survival crops because it thrives in various conditions. It adapts in warm and cold areas, whether there are droughts or constant downpours. Their foliage, roots, flowers, and pods are edible.
Folks appreciate these for their flavor and healing qualities. So many find taking care of the Moringa plant regularly practical.
This post discusses tips on how to grow Moringa seeds indoors and keep them thriving inside. Many times, it’s the plant that grows well outside despite neglect. Yet, Moringa plants develop better with proper and consistent care.
Included in this article are the health benefits of the Moringa trees too. So keep reading to find out more about the plant.


Describe Moringa Tree As A Houseplant

It goes by the name Moringa Oleifera or drumstick tree. It’s a deep-rooted, thin, leafy, and deciduous tree. Maturity makes it become a steep plant, yet it’s what you can grow Moringa indoors.
It has a taproot system that doesn’t often branch to the sides. Groups of fragrant white or yellowish blossoms come out months after planting. Sparse foliage on skinny branches displays clusters of green leaves throughout the year.
Because of its features, it draws many homeowners to have it on their property. People put it in pots indoors to decorate different rooms.
They also serve as food or medicine resources for homes. So, it explains why many potted Moringa trees are near kitchens and dining areas.
The drumstick tree grows fast and requires constant trimming when inside. But it’s due to that feature that it’s also appealing to many gardeners. It becomes 18 feet or so before it reaches 18 months.
Hence, beginners may find it easy how to grow Moringa plants indoors. Yet its height makes it challenging to harvest pods and foliage. Still, with constant pruning, people can set its peak and shape it.
It’s way more manageable when it started developing from a pot. Some folks even create a bonsai out of it. So, it’s also a tree that is controllable in how it grows.
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Sunlight and Heat For The Moringa Oleifera

The Moringa tree as a houseplant isn’t demanding. It is a tropical plant that can thrive in spots with partial shade. But this tree can do well when there’s adequate heat and natural sunlight.
As a potted plant, Moringa trees grow well indoors when close to windows. Putting them on the windowsill or shaded spots outdoors near your house works too. Steady exposure to grow lights and 6 to 7 hours of daily direct sunlight is enough.
But leaving it where the lights are always on won’t be a problem either. It grows fast as a flowering tree. Hence, it should make a lot of food through photosynthesis. It’s why they can handle arid conditions.
Sunny locations or tropical climates can enjoy the health benefits of Moringa trees but so can areas with cold climates too. Controlling the temperature means being able to care for Moringa plants indoors. This plant cannot withstand freezing temperatures.
The Moringa leaves will discolor and drop when they reach 41 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. But, in wintertime, putting them inside can help them manage the cold. They should survive with constant light warmth.
During wintertime, heating a room to 75 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit is helpful. Placing it near a heat source shouldn’t be an issue since it can take 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet it shouldn’t be too close to intense heat.
Doing so will reduce its nutrients or vitamin content. So, preparations are still necessary to grow Moringa seeds indoors.
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Watering Moringa Tree As A Houseplant

Leaving it outside to get rainfall as a mature tree is fine. Even if it doesn’t have thick leaves, it has other parts that let it keep moisture. It doesn’t ask for constant watering since it has a thick root system that stores plenty of water.
When you put the Moringa plant indoors, weekly hydration may be enough. Plus, growing Moringa plants requires an environment where they won’t stay wet. Hence, it must be in a well-draining or loamy soil.
When you see that the ground is moist, don’t water it. Also, never forget to water it every so often, even if it’s drought-resistant. Since it produces branches and foliage fast, it asks for water to sustain it.
The first year of its planting is crucial for its growth. Thus, it’s the time when it needs the most moisture. Water is essential in photosynthesis, and it encourages quality development.
But, after germination, hydrating every other day will suffice. It’s appropriate to do so when Moringa saplings begin to appear. When most parts of the tree are present, watering once weekly is adequate.
Yet, as pointed out, it has roots extending far down. So it can thrive well with deep watering.
Even with infrequent watering, such a method can keep it hydrated. For that reason, deep watering works, as well as rainfall.
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Fertilizing And Pruning The Moringa Oleifera

Because of its rapid growth rate, it must have fertilizer to have adequate nutrients. It means a Moringa tree as a houseplant has to have high-nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen is what plants need for leaf color and expansion.
But, of course, phosphorus and potassium are critical components too. Phosphorus must be there for root maintenance and to fight diseases. Potassium moves water and other nutrients within plant tissues. It helps plants with swift development and to have sturdy stems.
Some gardeners agree that using fertilizers with an NPK ratio of 2:1:1 or 3:1:1 will suffice. Others use poultry manure, among other organic matter. Thus, testing to find out which works best may be a part of growing Moringa plant indoors.
Fertilizing the soil can only do so much for it. It must stay under control since Moringa leaves and branches become many fast. It is also a tree that becomes very tall when neglected.
Take note that a Moringa seed can reach 10 to 12 meters high. Thus regular pruning is also crucial when you grow Moringa indoors. It’s to make it bushy rather than tall.
This way, its stem becomes thicker too. Pruning the top growth when it gets steep and the blossoms during the first year is critical.
Even if you don’t need the health benefits of Moringa, you must cut the foliage. So it needs attention on occasion to manage it, especially when inside.
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What People Do With Moringa

People have a Moringa tree as a houseplant for various motives. Aside from having it for improving the home design, many take care of it for health reasons. The presence of this plant alone clears the air of some toxins.
Also, it allows for fresh and breathable air. It absorbs carbon dioxide and other gases to release oxygen that is safe to inhale. Others own processed forms of the plant.
It’s because it also comes in pills and powdered form nowadays. Folks ingest it as a beverage or part of a dish to enjoy the plant elements. So it’s clear why folks grow Moringa indoors or have forms of it available.
Moringa tea bags, capsules, and powders are in the market nowadays. Yet some prefer getting the leaves of the plant for a fresher taste and more nutritious food. Products saturated with extracts may allow for nutrient-dense food and drinks.
However, getting the health benefits of Moringa seeds involves using its raw parts. It means getting components, like the leaves, and mixing them with food.
Some combine the fresh foliage with a cold drink, while others put them in soups. Hence, there is a variety of things to do with this plant.


Benefits Of Moringa Tree As A Houseplant

Many who have a Moringa plant indoors use the vegetation for health purposes. Parts of the tree are edible and nutritious. When eaten raw or cooked, these plant sections bring about benefits.
It has high levels of vitamins A and C, which are antioxidants. Consuming it helps to reduce inflammation. Also, it has more calcium than milk and extra potassium than a banana.
Its content provides positive contributions to bone health and fluid balance. Still, it may aid in lowering blood sugar levels. Successful sugar control helps diabetic patients manage.
It may also prevent diabetes and its complications. A study showed that Moringa Oleifera helped some animals have reduced glycemic levels. So it comes as no surprise why health-conscious people grow Moringa indoors.
Other health benefits of Moringa include better digestion and lower cholesterol levels. Parts of the tree are low-fat and high in fiber. It’s not surprising that many who take it are healthy. It’s because low cholesterol equates to reduced fat deposits in the arteries.
Also, plenty of fiber in the diet equates to better gut health and waste elimination. It means avoiding constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and other gastric issues.
Hence, many homeowners have Moringa inside of their houses. They have it in plant or other edible forms.


To Wrap It All Up

A Moringa tree as a houseplant is worth it. It’s not only because having it means owning an exotic plant. The plant is low-maintenance and ideal for amateur gardeners.
Even seasoned horticulturists appreciate it for its adaptability and as a high-yielding crop. It doesn’t demand a lot of sunlight, water, soil, fertilizer, and temperature. It also produces edible and nutritious parts.
But, even if it is easy to take care of, it still requires attention every so often. It may wither from getting too cold.
Still, it will have a particular shape with appropriate and enough care. So, it’s worth the effort to grow Moringa indoors.

As mentioned, many health benefits of Moringa plants are available. Thus, folks take care of it, incorporating its consumable parts with food and drinks. It is another point that shows owning it is practical.


We hope you learned a few helpful things about the Moringa Oleifera plant and how to grow Moringa indoors. Thanks for reading, and please share your thoughts about this healthy herb.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Moringa trees really be grown indoors?

Yes, Moringa trees can be grown indoors with proper care. They need a sunny spot, preferably a south-facing window, to thrive. Ensure the pot has good drainage to prevent root rot.

How often should I water my indoor Moringa tree?

Water your Moringa tree when the top inch of soil feels dry. They don’t like waterlogged soil, so be careful not to overwater. In winter, they require less water than during the growing season.

What are the benefits of growing Moringa indoors?

Growing Moringa indoors can purify the air and add a touch of greenery to your space. Moringa leaves are nutritious and can be used in cooking or teas. It’s also a conversation starter due to its rapid growth and health benefits.

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