Beautiful Houseplants That Repel Bugs and Other Pests

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Beautiful Houseplants That Repel Bugs and Other Pests


Don’t you hate it when you find bugs in your house? The ones I’ve met are ugly, disrespectful, and unhygienic, not to mention awful conversationalists. And they never know when to leave. Well, in this article, we will be providing you with the best beautiful houseplants that repel bugs and other pests.

So you head on down to your local garden store for some skull and crossbones spray (or whatever), but the problem with that approach is what poisons them, also poisons us. Moreover, chemicals with names longer than my list of monthly bills destroy “good” bugs with the bad, and they can even wreck entire ecosystems.

In addition, the alternative is using household plants to eradicate these critters. Sure, you’ll need to fetch the sprayer now and then for severe cases – But with some simple indoor gardening skills, you can minimize your toxic exposure. And hey: at least the plants will be fun to talk to.

How Can Plants Repel Bugs?

It’s quite simple, actually. Essential oils in these plants act as nature’s bug repellent. Insects tend to avoid them. Plant these organic repellants near plants you need to protect and they help day and night. In fact, companion planting relies on this very technique.

In addition, some of these essential oils derived from the plants often appear in natural bug repellents for people to use on themselves and their pets, too. Just be sure to check for sensitivities to the oils before spraying near people or pets.

One recipe for indoor/outdoor bug spray, requires the following:

  • glass spray bottle
  • lavender essential oil
  • oil of lemon eucalyptus
  • citronella essential oil
  • distilled water
  • white vinegar

To make the spray, follow these steps:

  • Mix 10 to 20 drops of each essential oil with 2 ounces distilled water and 2 ounces of white vinegar.
  • Shake gently to mix.
  • Spray to use.

This type might not last as long as the super chemical-laden type, but you just reapply as needed.

Wanna know the beautiful houseplants that repel bugs? Read More!

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Beautiful Houseplants


Basil plants Ocimum basilicum in a greenhouse. Sweet Basil plants in coir pots in a greenhouse royalty free stock image
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First on our list of houseplants that repel bugs is Basil, which has a great reputation for shooing mosquitoes, fruit flies, gnats, and houseflies. Also, it can be potted, grown indoors, and best of all: if it doesn’t work as well as you expected you can just add it to your marinara sauce. Worried about growing it? Don’t be.









Lavender flowers and dew drops in the garden. Lavender flowers in the garden, summer llavender meadow, field, glade, herbs royalty free stock photography
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Third on our list is Lavender which is a major player in the Boogey-bug league, and an expert at deterring flies, fleas, moths, mosquitoes, beetles, roaches, and many other pests. So, it’s a great houseplant to repel bugs!  As a bonus, its aroma is wonderful and relaxing – but you knew that already. Moreover, as a caveat to those with pollen allergies, you might situate your lavender plantation in a pot outside a door.

In addition, you can learn how to grow it first if you want, or you can just stop being a coward and get one.

Lavender Plant


4 in. Pot Phenomenal Lavender Plant



Yellow dayliliy Hemerocallis sp. on terrace in Vienna Austria. In front of green grass stock photo
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Daylily Nursery

Also one of the beautiful houseplants that repel bugs is Daylily Nursery.









Burning White Sage Smudge Stick. A close up image of a burning white sage smudge stick used for energy clearing and healing stock photos
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Another leaf in your war on flying, crawling bothersome things, sage can help keep those beasts at bay just by being grown around the house. Also, you can also burn the dried leaves or bundle them in sachets to repel silverfish and moths. And hey, moreover, sage is delicious in that creamy polenta recipe.

Read about growing sage and then pick some up, because silverfish are awful.

Garden sage plant–grow indoors or out




Rosemary. With flowers on blurred background royalty free stock image
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In addition to our list of houseplants that repel bugs is Rosemary which can do everything sage can do in the bug eviction department – and she’s proud of it. Of course, the flavor of your stews may vary.







Marigolds. Tagetes or African marigolds growing in a garden royalty free stock photography
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Marigolds have a beautiful bloom and a strong scent that drives bugs crazy (and not in a good way). Consider placing them near doors or in windows, boxes to deter the critters from ever coming in. In addition, marigolds are said to repel mosquitoes, flies, gnats, midges, and even mice (which may not be bugs, but you still don’t want them in your home). Moreover, they repel rabbits, too, but you may not even care.








Catnip. The herb plant catnip in natural envirenment royalty free stock photos
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Next for beautiful houseplants that repel bugs is  Catnip which is also called “catmint,” catnip is an exciting plant – even to a human – if your aim is disappearing mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs (the jury’s still out on this one), and especially cockroaches (no one’s favorite bug, aside from maybe some strong-stomached entomologists).

In addition, until I did the research, I never knew there were different types of awful things. There’s the German, the Oriental, the Brown Banded, and of course the American Cockroach, sometimes called a waterbug. Catnip is said to show them all the door.

Or… maybe it’s the local cats hanging out around your place. Proceed with caution.



Mum chrysanthemum flower carpet. Carpet of colorful mum chrysanthemum flower stripes in city park stock photography
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The next houseplant that repels bugs is Chrysanthemum, these flowers may have a difficult-to-pronounce name, but these prolific little cuties pack a powerful punch against a wide array of insects. In addition, their victims include ants, roaches, ticks, fleas, silverfish, lice, and (maybe) bedbugs. Also, that’s a lot of carnage from a flower that just sits around looking pretty.

Consider growing these super insect fighters!






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Lemongrass is great for banishing a variety of insects. I’m talking flies, ticks, ants, gnats, and of course, mosquitoes. I say “of course” because citronella, the essential oil found in stems and leaves of lemongrass, is the active ingredient used in most mosquito-chasing candles, sprays, and lotions.

Consider growing lemongrass in pots near your doors or windows to help keep critters in their proper habitat. Read about growing tips and then pick some up.





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Venus Flytraps

“Feed me, Seymour!” Venus Flytraps will help you decimate your buggies and even give you a gruesome little show. Moreover, the wild version of these cuddly little fellows lives entirely in the bogs and swamps of the coastal Carolinas. What, did you think they came from Venus? Nope – they’re named after the Roman goddess of beauty and desire.

Just remember: If you can’t provide sufficient bugs (wouldn’t that be awful?), you’ll have to buy them treats. Moreover, if you train them, they’ll even sit up and beg (No, they won’t. They won’t sit up and beg).

In addition, despite their viscousness, they tend to be a little hard to care for, being from the swamps and all. Also, if you go with the flytrap method, better to take a look right here.





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Pitcher Plants

Next on our list of beautiful houseplants that repel bugs is pitcher plants they resemble… well, pitchers. And unless your bugs are careful, this plant could be the last thing they see in their buggy little lives. In addition,  like the flytraps, these subtle warriors are carnivorous and make their livings eating unsuspecting insects. How they go about it, though, is a different story.

Lured by the sweet smell at the pitcher’s top, the insects slip and ride the “waterslide of doom” to the narrow bottom. Moreover, they won’t know it yet, but escape is futile against the forward-facing “hairs” along with the pitcher’s innards. Lean down close and listen – you may hear a softly muted voice screaming, “Help me.”

“Pitchers” are easier to care for than fly traps, so if that was a deterrent in the previous example, well, here you go.

Asian pitcher plant






Read More:

Moreover, tell us your favorite beautiful houseplants that repel bugs! Also, if you want to read more about this topic, we provided links below that would be helpful for you. Thank you!


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Bonsai Trees
sun-loving houseplants

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Beautiful Houseplants That Repels Bugs and other Pests
Beautiful houseplants on wooden window sill indoors. Beautiful houseplants on wooden window sill stock photo
Basil plants Ocimum basilicum in a greenhouse. Sweet Basil plants in coir pots in a greenhouse royalty free stock image
Lavender flowers and dew drops in the garden. Lavender flowers in the garden, summer llavender meadow, field, glade, herbs royalty free stock photography
Yellow dayliliy Hemerocallis sp. on terrace in Vienna Austria. In front of green grass stock photo
Burning White Sage Smudge Stick. A close up image of a burning white sage smudge stick used for energy clearing and healing stock photos
Rosemary. With flowers on blurred background royalty free stock image
Marigolds. Tagetes or African marigolds growing in a garden royalty free stock photography
Catnip. The herb plant catnip in natural envirenment royalty free stock photos
Mum chrysanthemum flower carpet. Carpet of colorful mum chrysanthemum flower stripes in city park stock photography
beautiful houseplants that repel bugs
beautiful houseplants that repel bugs
beautiful houseplants that repel bugs
beautiful houseplants that repel bugs
Bonsai Trees
sun-loving houseplants