Best Natural Remedies for Stress: Houseplants

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Houseplants, Best Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety

So, you’re feeling stressed and anxious? You don’t need to worry because there are natural remedies that can help!
Houseplants are the best way to naturally relieve stress and anxiety. Research proves that houseplants are among the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety. In today’s world, they play an important role in mental and physical well-being. They have been proven in studies to reduce levels of cortisol (a hormone released by the body when it is under stress) and lower blood pressure. There are many different types of house plants that will provide these benefits for your home or office space.

Houses are overcrowded, busy environments. They’re rife with stress-inducing stimuli: noisy neighbors, traffic noise, work deadlines, and more. You would think that the air inside your home would be a welcome refuge from such hassles – but it’s not always so.

The problem is that many of us have become so accustomed to these sources of stress that we don’t even notice them anymore. We’ve grown numb to our surroundings and actually need something in our environment to cause us some anxiety or concern in order for us to feel alive again! Studies show that plants can help ease this type of chronic stress and anxiety by providing a natural remedy for those who live with too much calm.

Is Anxiety Normal in Our Lives?

Anxiety is a normal part of life for some people. When faced with stressful circumstances such as taking an exam, making a presentation, or meeting new people, you can experience anxiety or confusion. A small amount of anxiety now and then can be beneficial in many situations. It keeps you alert to future threats and allows you to prepare. However, when anxiety turns into a disorder, it becomes difficult for the person to live a healthy life. In that situation, you should adopt some of the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety.

Many of the issues we face today are familiar to you. They occur as a result of stress and anxiety at home and work. Although we are moving toward modernization and raising our expectations by gaining more money, we seem to be neglecting our bodies, minds, and ultimately our wellbeing. We live in a world where mental illness is more prevalent than anything else.

According to a survey, 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental illnesses, and mental illnesses are among the leading causes of disease and disability. Worst of all, in today’s hectic world, we don’t have time to focus on ourselves and alleviate tension, thus enhancing our health. Therefore, to release the daily work stress, we should adopt the best natural remedies for anxiety.

Is anxiety really a problem?

The short answer is, Yes! Anxiety, as we mentioned above, is more common in many people. It happens to them almost every day. Anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder can make it difficult for people to go about their everyday lives, impacting their job, home, and personal lives. They differ from common anxiety in that people experience an abnormally high level of fear or anxiety. Anxiety is a stressful condition, but it is treatable. Care helps a lot of people who are suffering from anxiety. Although some people benefit from the medicine, others find natural remedies to be effective.


Studies on houseplant as a stress reliever

Houseplants are a good bet if you want to spice up interiors on a budget, whether it’s a plain living room or a dull workspace. Surprisingly, investing a little money in houseplants can also be beneficial to your health. A large body of evidence indicates that being in the presence of greenery can reduce stress, improve mood, and improve cognitive performance, among other things.

  •  Reduce stress and anxiety

According to a Journal of Physiological Anthropology report, active contact with indoor plants can minimize mental and emotional stress. Furthermore, even potting soil will assist you in managing everyday stress and anxiety. It improves your mood by releasing cytokines, which stimulate the production of serotonin in your brain.

  • They improve the quality of the air.    

Indoor air, according to the American Lung Association, can be much more polluted than outdoor air. Asbestos, molds, radon, and other air contaminants are among the most common. Dry eyes, headaches, and even severe illnesses like asthma can cause by exposure to these tiny particles.

According to NASA, plants like Peace Lily and English Ivy will flush out most of these poisonous gases. Their roots and leaves absorb these contaminants. According to research, rooms with houseplants have up to 60% less airborne molds and bacteria than spaces with no greenery.

  •  Act as a natural humidifier

Transpiration is the mechanism by which plants release moisture from their leaves. To control dry indoor air during the winter, plant some Boston Ferns around your apartment. However, if you have children or pets, do your homework before bringing any plants into your house, holding houseplants that are harmful to them away from them.


Select the best indoor plants for stress relief

Certain plants may not appeal to you, or the colors of a may not fit your taste. When selecting the right plant to help you relax, keep the following considerations in mind.

  • It should Easy to Keep-Alive.

Some plants are more susceptible to environmental conditions than others. The type of plant you can care for depends on your schedule and lifestyle. Remember, the most crucial thing is to find and keep a calming plant alive!

  • Ideally suited to a life lived indoors.

It may seem self-evident, but you must choose plants that thrive in a home setting. Indoor plants grow in temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, prefer humidity, and don’t need constant light.

  • Able to Getting Rid of Toxins      

Some plants produce more oxygen, while others effectively eliminate common toxins and emit calming, anxiety-relieving scents. In this post, we’ll look at plants that can help you breathe easier and stay happier by filtering toxins from the air.

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Top 10 houseplants for relieving stress and anxiety


Here are the plants that can use as the best natural remedies for stress.

1.  Bonsai

Our first pick in the best natural remedies for stress is a bonsai plant. A bonsai is a shallow-container-grown plant that has been expertly pruned and raised. The bonsai’s elegance stems from the fact that it is a miniature version of a full-grown tree in the wild. You can purchase a ready-made bonsai tree or buy a pre-bonsai and learn how to care for it yourself.

Apart from the aesthetics, pruning and maintaining a bonsai is also very relaxing. Various studies have shown that bonsai has health benefits for humans as a stress reliever. Bonsai plants are well-known for their ability to alleviate stress. That is why we see it as adorning so many office desks. It helps to ease one’s breathing, and many people enjoy growing it as a hobby.

2.  Chamomile

Chamomile is a herb with daisy-like yellow and white flowers. The chamomile plant’s foliage is exceptionally bright. They add a dash of cheer and sunshine to any room, resembling daisies and small sunflowers. Second, their sweet fragrance is incredibly soothing and enjoyable. The flowers are herbaceous and apple-like in appearance. Meanwhile, the tea is highly delicate to the senses.

When it comes to tea, you can make chamomile tea with your plant, which has numerous health benefits. It will calm your nerves, calm your stomach, and even help you sleep. The gentle floral scent is also uplifting and relaxing, making it an excellent houseplant when you’re feeling tense or stressed.

3.  Aloe Vera

This fashionable little vine will filter out the toxins. Aloe Vera is a calming and therapeutic plant. Drinking Aloe Vera juice can help with digestion and overall health. But it’s not just the gel inside that’s beneficial; the plant itself is also worth having around the property! The aloe Vera plant is small and can easily place on a work desk or a coffee table. It will brighten up every space if you put it in a cute pot of white pebbles.

4.  Jasmine

Jasmine is a vine with white flowers that resemble stars, but some plants have yellow flowers. Most Jasmine plants are suitable for indoor use, but if you want to keep it as a houseplant, you’ll need to pay attention to the species mentioned here. The Jasmine polyanthus, also known as the Chinese Star, is an excellent indoor choice.

A flowering Jasmine plant’s sweet scent can fill an entire space. It’s as if you’re using a diffuser all day. Jasmine works well in a sunroom, home office, or living room. Since this plant is all about perfume, make sure you enjoy it first! This plant isn’t the right choice for you if you don’t like the scent or too distracting.


5.  Lavender

Lavender is a Mediterranean herb that grows wild in the western Mediterranean. It’s better to use indoors, but it can also use outdoors under the right conditions. It’s one of the most widely used essential oils for promoting sleep and relaxation. As a result, we adore the lavender plant for its potential to alleviate anxiety and stress.

In clinical trials, lavender oil showed to help with anxiety and depression control. Moreover, to treat anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Linalool, found in lavender, is said to alleviate anxiety and promote a healthy immune system. However, Cats and dogs are both poisoned by lavender. If you have pets, try another plant from our list.

6.  Areca palm 

Another one of the best natural remedies for stress is the Areca plant. The Areca palm is a tropical ornamental plant that finds in Madagascar and India. It blooms with lovely yellow flowers in the summer. A natural humidifier is the Areca palm. A plant with a height of 6 feet will transpire 1 liter of water per day. With its light green coloring and the elegant way the palm fronds move in the wind, the plant is very appealing to the eye. The aesthetic is calming and pretty.

This leafy, statement floor plant is also a hard worker, as it can eliminate harmful chemicals from the air, such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene. Remember that breathing cleaner air reduces blood pressure—furthermore, the areca palm finds highly beneficial to the central nervous system.

7.  Peppermint

Peppermint is a mint plant cultivating` as a cross between Water mint and Spearmint as an experimental hybrid. It uses in toothpaste, candy, and chewing gum, so you’re familiar with its scent and taste.

Peppermint prefers nutrient-rich soil and full sun to partial shade. Maintain in a pot with adequate drainage. It’s essential to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Since this plant thrives in humid environments, misting the leaves in between watering will help keep it happy.

It also has incredible benefits when ingested, such as aiding digestion, calming a sore throat, and even controlling blood sugar. The aroma is both refreshing and strong, acting as a stress reliever and boosting cognition. Menthol, found in peppermint, is known for its muscle-relaxing properties.

8.  Rosemary

Rosemary is a Mediterranean herb that belongs to the mint family. It’s a perennial plant, which means it’ll live for at least two years. This evergreen herb’s intense fragrance (and flavor) makes it a common choice for perfumes and cooking. Enjoy the scent to enhance your mood and focus. For brain wellbeing, cook with Rosemary. It’s a healthy source of calcium, iron, and vitamin B-6 when eaten.

Carnosic acid, which can help protect the brain by battling free radicals, is also present. The fragrance enhances focus, memory, mental performance, and even mood in studies. According to research, inhaling rosemary oil helps prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a brain chemical essential for thought, attention, and memory.

9.  Snake plant

The last one of the best natural remedies for stress is the snake plant. One of the best stress-relieving plants to have in your home or workplace is the snake plant. By eliminating harmful pollutants and supplying you with fresh air, having a snake plant in your bedroom or on your office desk can improve the air quality. This unusual-looking plant can keep in a lovely small pot to help with headaches, eye irritations, and breathing difficulties.

This hardy plant has gleaming leaves and helps to purify the climate. It’s simple to keep clean, but you may need to dust it now and then. Improvements in response times, concentration, encouraging a restful night’s sleep, and anxiety reduction are among the other advantages. Going green has a lot of benefits!


10.  Calathea

Calathea is a unique, brilliantly colored houseplant with variegated, colorful foliage. It is an air-purifying houseplant that is a genuine eye-catcher in every interior while also contributing to a better and healthier indoor environment. Calathea is also unique in that it closes its leaves at night and then reopens them in the morning! Calathea is also known as the “living herb” because of this.

You’ll be able to enjoy your houseplant for a long time if you fertilize it once every 14 days: the plant will continue to grow new leaves. When a plant is unhappy, its leaves curl and shrivel, and it stops growing.

These plants are excellent for purifying the air and making it therapeutic. It helps establish a perfect indoor environment and is fascinating to watch as the leaves close and open during the day and night.


Indoor houseplants can prove as the best natural remedy for stress Plants in your home will improve your mood, reduce anxiety, and purify the air you breathe. Don’t worry if you’re not a natural at taking care of plants. Many of the species on the list are easy to care for, and there are multiple expert articles on nearly every species, so you should be able to find the help you need.


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Houseplants for Home and Health

Benefits of Bonsai Plants

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Indoor Bonsai Tree Care



Houseplants, Best Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety
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Houseplants, Best Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety
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