Decorate With Houseplants – Home Oasis

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Decorate With Houseplants – Create a Home Oasis


With our tips to decorate with houseplants, you learn to create a home oasis in every room! In fact, we show you how to transform every room with greenery with ease.

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Have you noticed how those 5-star restaurants and hotels often showcase greenery and lots of it? Many hire staff or an outside company to keep them in tip-top shape.

When staging a home for sale, realtors know that a few plants make the home more salable and actually increases the value to potential buyers.



Why all the perceived value of a few houseplants?



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Should we decorate with houseplants in our homes? Do they really matter? Perhaps some silk or plastic plants provide the same benefits and need less care. So why both with live potted houseplants?

A recent article in Psychology Today highlights some of the many emotional and mental benefits of sharing our living space and workspace with houseplants. Some of these include reduced stress, increased clarity, and increased creativity. In fact, they cite benefits for children and adults with ADD/ADHD and PTSD.

Perhaps then, the question is not should we include plants in our homes but rather how should we decorate with houseplants to maximize the benefits. How do we utilize houseplants to create a home oasis that everyone finds comfort within?

Let’s take a look at some choices.


Choices for specific rooms when you decorate with houseplants

Not sure which plants would thrive in each area of your abode? Generally speaking, you need to consider the lighting and other needs of the plant, rather than just choose what attracts you. You might want to peek at our article on 7 Best Plants for Beginners as well as Best Indoor Tropical Plants to help choose.

However, consider the differences between your rooms, too. Read on for some useful tips.



The Foyer or Entryway and Hallway

Add excitement to a stale vignette with a few well-placed plants. Here, a simple cart doubles as a plant stand and bar. "I’m always looking for ways to tuck little plants into an unexpected spot like that," Hilton says. "They make a space dynamic." Plus, the heart-shape philodendron trained around the mirror frame "really adds depth and interest," he says.
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Regardless of the outside weather, welcome your family and friends into your home with greenery. When choosing varieties to decorate with houseplants at the entryway, consider sturdy specimens such as a snake plant or a rubber plant.

These varieties best withstand the temperature changes that occur each time the door is opened. For those in winter climates, they even tolerate a bit of snow and ice brushing past them from winter clothing.





Kitchen Cozy

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Easy access to a sink makes this room an ideal place for water-loving plants like rattlesnake plants. Or line up small succulents on the windowsill or the counter to add greenery and life without using any valuable surface area.


While we tend to think of countertop plants, the kitchen easily hosts hanging favorites like fern and spider plants, too. These plants enjoy kitchen humidity and more frequent access to water.



Dining Room Delight

Many people feature a centerpiece vase of fresh-cut flowers on the dining room table. These remain beautiful for a day, maybe even two or three.

Instead, dress-up your dining space with living plants. Start with a houseplant centerpiece. Choose a plant that fits your table size. You might consider a flowering houseplant or a bonsai tree.

If your dining room space allows, continue to decorate with houseplants interspersed around the room. Utilize counter and window sill space. And don’t forget to add some hanging plants. Build a garden-like dining environment for your family and friends to relax and enjoy your delicious foods.

Add excitement to a stale vignette with a few well-placed plants. Here, a simple cart doubles as a plant stand and bar. "I’m always looking for ways to tuck little plants into an unexpected spot like that," Hilton says. "They make a space dynamic." Plus, the heart-shape philodendron trained around the mirror frame "really adds depth and interest," he says.
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Dining room elegance

Add excitement to a stale vignette with a few well-placed plants. Here, a simple cart doubles as a plant stand and bar. "I’m always looking for ways to tuck little plants into an unexpected spot like that," Hilton says. "They make a space dynamic." Plus, the heart-shape philodendron trained around the mirror frame "really adds depth and interest," he says.
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Peaceful dining









Living Room Luxuries

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Houseplants create comfort in living areas

Hosting guests in your living room makes a true statement when you incorporate a bit of greenery. Imagine the feeling of a comfortable oasis when you choose to decorate with houseplants in your living room.

To choose the right plants, consider the size of your room. Do you have room for one or more floor plants?  Often, some shelving or a bookcase makes a perfect place for your plants. Consider a small plant, perhaps one that drapes over the edge of its pot, for a fireplace mantle.

Don’t neglect the ceiling area. Hanging plants bring that forest feel in from the upper angle, too.



Bedroom Bliss

Personalize even more as you decorate with houseplants in your bedroom. For a forest-like sleep, consider placing plants on a shelf over your bed or across from it.

You might like this macramé shelf to showcase your plants. Allow them to drape over the edge for extra effect.

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If you have space, add plants atop the dresser or on a shelf. A large bedroom might host a stately floor plant.

Plants in the bedroom allow you to breathe that fresh oxygen all night long while you sleep. But they also provide the tranquility of a garden trail. Consider optimizing the space with various textures and tones.

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Other Ideas to Decorate with Houseplants

  • Surround your seating areas

    • Imagine resting with a favorite book in a chair surrounding by floor-to-ceiling greenery. You may need to create more than one of these nestled oasis areas to avoid competition. Bring nature in by surrounding your seating areas with beautiful houseplants.
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  • Group your plants into a focal point

    • We like space and often a plant here and there creates interest by itself. However, grouping many plants closely together brings that wildlife sensation to our home. Imagine that forest feeling when you gaze at your grouped focal point.
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  • Use vertical space.

    • Many homes have vaulted ceilings, often painted a white or another light tone. Even those with standard ceilings usually have unused space above human height. Consider hanging fern plants, spider plants, and wandering jew plants on brackets or hooks near or from the ceiling. By using several different sizes and tones of plants, you actually create a greater sense of depth.
    • You might consider adding a climbing vine such as ivy for another feature, in addition to your hanging plants. Utilizing various textures, tones, and heights provides more interest, too.



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  • Have fun!

    • Think beyond the usual plant places. Slow-growing succulents such as cacti are especially useful for tucking into unexpected places. Such usage can make a stale place quite dynamic. Plus, you may find a use for some of those Nik-naks and unused novelties.
    • Consider re-purposing toys no longer in use and models, too.

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Decorate with Houseplants

Try some of these ideas and see how much extra beauty they bring to your home. Create that oasis you have always dreamed of.

In the comments below, please let us know which ideas you like best. Will you be using any of them? Or maybe you already have!


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Great gift idea!

Bonsai Trees
sun-loving houseplants

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plants for health air-purifying houseplants
decorate with houseplants
decorate with houseplants
Add excitement to a stale vignette with a few well-placed plants. Here, a simple cart doubles as a plant stand and bar.
best plants for the kitchen
Add excitement to a stale vignette with a few well-placed plants. Here, a simple cart doubles as a plant stand and bar.
Add excitement to a stale vignette with a few well-placed plants. Here, a simple cart doubles as a plant stand and bar.
decorate with houseplants | living area
decorate with houseplants
decorate with houseplants
decorate with houseplants
decorate with houseplants
decorate with houseplants
decorate with houseplants
decorate with houseplants
Bonsai Trees
sun-loving houseplants