House Plant Joy

HousePlantJoy seeks to inspire plant lovers and those who might become enthusiasts. Browse our pages, learn about favorite varieties, and their less-known cousins.

Besides the care and beauty element, we offer details on the health benefits of sharing your home with houseplants. Look for information on air-filtering, stress relief, and even edible houseplants.

English Ivy Houseplants

English Ivy Houseplants

Plant-growers commonly have mixed feelings about growing English Ivy houseplants, for that matter.

Goldfish Houseplants

Goldfish Houseplants

Leaping goldfish on a plant? Yes! These Goldfish Houseplants offer a striking view that makes people stop in awe.

Light Intensity for Plants

Light Intensity for Plants

 It’s critical to comprehend their basic requirements. Water and light intensity are the most vital components to offer.

Order Plants for your homes at Joyful Eco!

Our houseplants are the perfect way to introduce nature into your home life, and they have some amazing benefits for our physical and mental health! Not only do they reduce stress levels, but they also improve air quality and help us get in touch with our inner zen.

Join the our community and start making a difference today!

Snake Plants succulents indoors
Snake Plants succulents indoors

"Thank you for sharing. These are all very informative. I have a question regarding my peppermint plant. I have some potted in the same pot. All but one died, I don’t know if I over-watered it. And also, it’s been raining here in my place for 2 weeks now, I don’t know if it’s another factor to consider. Thank you in advance. ? Lovely post!"


"Hi there, Thank you so much for sharing this useful post. I have a spider plant, but it’s on my balcony outside. I didn’t know this plant can survive inside a house and that it purifies the air. This is fantastic. My son is suffering from allergies. In fact, two weeks ago, he did an allergy test to see where it comes from, and they found out it’s because of dust. Can the spider plant be in a place without light? I ask this because I have a studio that doesn’t have any windows. Thank you very much!"


"I’ve never struggled with allergies and as such didn’t know this. Cool stuff! I subscribed to your newsletter for sure ? My mum drilled in that we had so many houseplants for two reasons. One being that the green glow in the living room made it feel like a calm and happy place, and two, that phytoncides (released by plants) are a huge player in mental health. Powerful stuff!"


Let’s share our love of houseplants!

As my love of gardening, both indoor and out, has encouraged me to learn and continue to learn new plant skills.  I hope you find information both useful and inspirational, whether you are a new plant enthusiast or have years of experience.

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sun-loving houseplants

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