Cylindrical Snake Plant Varieties-Beautiful!

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Cylindrical Snake Plants


The Cylindrical Snake Plant, also known as Dracaena Bacularis, is an African Spear Plant, a succulent that consists of upright & gray-green leaves. These plants can withstand fluorescent light and droughts. In addition, snake plants have different colors and varieties which means that there’s a snake plant that appeals to anyone. If you want to know more about cylindrical snake plant varieties, then this article is for you.


NOTE: It was formerly in the genus Sansevieria and is now included in Dracaena.

cylindrical snake plant varieties
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Cylindrical Snake Plants

What makes this plant so great is that you can get away with any lighting conditions. Wherever Dracaena Bacularis is, it is happy. Since it can handle partial shade to full sun. However, the more light it gets, the taller it grows. It is also low maintenance since it is a succulent in disguise, so only water a little and less frequently.


Cylindrical Snake Plant Varieties

These plants come in quite a few shapes and sizes. Just like any other plant, Cylindrical Snake Plants have different varieties. Moreover, sometimes, people would even breed them. So you have a lot of options with this plant. Here are some of its varieties:

Spear Orchid

spear orchid
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Is a succulent evergreen plant. It does not get as tall as Sansevieria cylindrica and has fat, short leaves. With enough time, the leaves will produce offsets that will fill the pot with corresponding fan-shaped growths. This plant can grow up to a 90 cm spike-like raceme of pink-budded white flowers if grown in sufficiently bright light. Sansevieria is a perfect addition to our collection of air plants because they filter airborne toxins. If consumed, this plant is barely toxic. Keep children and pets at a distance.





Sansevieria Spaghetti
Sansevieria Spaghetti cylindrical snake plant varieties
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Sansevieria spaghetti is extremely well-liked. With its sturdy, tall stems, it has an architectural appearance. In addition, it can even be woven into a plait and has a deep green hue. Moreover, it is ideal for any home or office because it is very simple to maintain and because it also purifies the air.





African Spear
African Spear cylindrical snake plant varieties
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The shape of the leaves of an African Spear is cylindrical, but at the tips, they are pointed. A long flower spike filled with tiny, delicate white blooms may emerge from the center of an African spear plant when it is grown under ideal conditions. They grow slowly in general and are best planted in the spring at the beginning of the growing season.






So Many Cylindrical Snake Plant Varieties–How Do You Choose?

It seems almost every house has a snake plant. Yet most struggle to survive in their pots since they were left to die when they were no longer wanted. The good thing is that so many varieties of snake plants available, so you can start with a survivor and gradually add variety as you discover what your snake plant needs.

A cylindrical snake plant makes a great choice for anyone who wants a low-maintenance houseplant! Cylindrical snake plants offer an easy to grow option. And they add vertical height to any room of your home. The variegated leaves of this plant adapt to changing light levels, making it ideal for interiors near windows or artificial lights.


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Cylindrical Snake Plants
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