Best Plants for Beginners

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7 Best Plants for Beginners

Are you considering growing a plant, but have no clue what plant you should grow? Know more about the best plants for beginners that I have bucketed below. We will provide you with beginner plants that will surely help you.

You don’t need to buy expensive things to decorate your home. Growing a plant can do it at a very low cost. They are not only the most incredible natural decoration pieces that you can have, but they also purify the air. If you’re a newbie and don’t have much knowledge about growing plants, this article is what you need.

In this post, I’m going to introduce you to the 7 best plants for beginners that are incredibly easy to grow, look so soothing to the eyes, and don’t demand much of your attention. All of these plants are capable of withstanding poor conditions, uneven light, and erratic watering.

So, let’s get started!

7 Best Plants for Beginners

Below are the best beginner plants. Follow along!

1. Spider Plants

One of the best plants for beginners that is also easiest to grow is Spider Plant. These beginner plants don’t require you to think much about creating a strict schedule for yourself to water them regularly. In addition, they are also capable of adapting to almost any condition.

Moreover, they are also among the most popular houseplants, and the reason is their easy maintenance. And you need to place them in a bright spot and maintain a bit of moisture in the soil. The plant will grow happily.

How to Keep Spider Plants Happy?

– Place them in direct sunlight.

– Try to water them regularly in warmer temperatures.

– Keep them safe from cold drafts.


2. Snake Plants

Snake Plant is the second-best plant for beginners on my list. Although it has over 70 species, the most common ones are S. Zeylanica and Sansevieria Trifasciata. You don’t have to worry about their intense names; you can easily find them around.

These beginner plants are incredibly easy to grow but tough to kill. They can also thrive in low lights, but you have to water them occasionally. The best part about planting Snake Plants is that they can purify the air by eliminating the toxins.

How to Keep Snake Plants Happy?

– While watering them, make sure the soil is dried out.

– You can place them anywhere, as they don’t need tons of light to flourish.

– When watering, avoid getting leaves wet.


3.  Heartleaf Philodendron Plants

These plants are one of my personal favorite ones. They are incredibly easy to grow and look so good to the eyes. The leaves of this plant are heart-shaped dark green. They are also one of the best table-top plants.

They need a moderate amount of indirect light to flourish. Sometimes these plants are also referred to as Sweetheart Plant. Since they are also among the best plants for beginners, they need water once a week. However, when watering them, you should ensure that the soil is dried out.

How to Keep Sweetheart Plants Happy?

– Keep them moist by not being soggy.

– Make sure the soil doesn’t dry excessively.

– Spray or wipe the leaves using a cloth or water.

– Good drainage is vital.


4. Peace Lilies Plants

Peace Lilies are also among the best plants for beginners to grow. You don’t have to think much about lighting as they are capable of tolerating any light conditions. They require a moderate amount of water to grow.

They look so incredibly elegant because of their curving leaves and stark contrast white flowers rising from the dark foliage. The only thing you should consider while planting Peace Lilly is to place it in the east-facing window.

How to Keep Peace Lilies Happy?

– Avoid overwatering them.

– Keep the soil moist.

– Keep the plants safe from chemicals.


5. Spider Plants

Another popular plant for beginners is Spider Plant. Its green creamy white sword-looking leaves grow from the central point of the base. Similar to Snake Plants, Spider Plants are also tough to kill but easy to grow, so they don’t need much maintenance.

Moreover, they can thrive in several arrangements, including hanging baskets, shelves, or on a table. In addition, they are incredibly adaptable and don’t need direct sunlight. Also, they can also be moved from one place to another as they don’t have any adverse reactions.

How to Keep Spider Plants Happy?

– Don’t allow them to become soggy.

– Don’t overwater your spider plants.

– Make sure the soil is well-drained and bright.


6-. Peperomia Plants

Instead of decorating your table and shelf with artificial decoration pieces, decorate them by growing a Peperomia plant.  In addition, the plant has over 1,000 species to pick from, and they feature thick drought-tolerant leaves in purple, green, gray, and single-colored or marble red shades. The most common ones are P. Argyreia and Caperata.

Also, the reason why Peperomia plants are so popular is their aesthetic, ornamental leaves of different colors, shapes, and sizes depending on the variety. You can easily grow it solo or with other types. Although it prefers medium bright light to flourish, it doesn’t care much about light conditions. They are also among the best plants for beginners that you can effortlessly grow.

How to Keep Peperomia Plants Happy?

– Water them sparingly.

– Make sure the soil is dried out about five inches before watering.

– Fertilize occasionally.


7. Wandering Jew Plants

Yet another best plant for beginners is a Wandering Jew. It also inserts itself among plants that are hard to kill but easy to grow. Its beautiful striped leaves show growth in purple and red colors. The purple and green development of its leaves means new and older growth, respectively.

In addition, it is a flowering plant and blooms white, pink, or purple flowers during spring or at the beginning of the summer season. They look aesthetically beautiful in a hanging basket or on a high shelf.

How to Keep Wandering Jew Plants Happy?

– Keep the soil moist.

– Mist the plant frequently.

– Make sure it doesn’t become excessively dry.


Final Words

Plants are the most fabulous decoration pieces that you can grow to decorate your home. Also, they look so good to the eyes. Besides that, they are also capable of eliminating toxins from the air. Above, I have bucketed a list of the 7 best plants for beginners from which to choose. Moreover, all of these plants are incredibly easy to grow and don’t require much of your attention.

We all must play our role in saving nature by growing more and more plants and trees.


Q: What is the easiest plant that I can grow?

Ans: There are plenty of plants that you can easily grow. Some of them include Peace Lilies, Spider Plants, Snake Plants, and Heartleaf Philodendron Plants.

Q: Is it safe to buy online?

Ans: I’ve bought many of my plants online. Growers package them carefully and ship quickly. However, do watch for reviews as some sellers may not be as careful.

Q: What do I need to do when bringing my plant home?

Ans: If your plant is shipped to you, remove the packaging promptly and note any problems. Usually, they arrive in good condition. In fact, ours usually need no extra care for the first few days. Refer to the grower’s sheet of instructions for more details.


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Decorate With Houseplants – Home Oasis

Wandering Jew Houseplant Care and Tips

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